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Writer's pictureAndi_Ventures

The Best Churches to Visit in Rome

Jaw-dropping art and architecture with no entrance fees!

interior of a church in Rome

My friends, in many ways I am a walking contradiction. In Italy, I am a recovering christian who loves visiting churches.

However you feel about religious traditions, the churches of Italy are extraordinary works of art. From the architecture, to the statues, to the paintings, to the CEILINGS, classic Italian churches are beyond stunning. Best of all, they’re completely free to visit and explore! (Most of them will have donation boxes, especially if you want to light a candle white you’re there, but it’s not a requirement.)

You will want to make sure you’re dressed appropriately. Covering your shoulders and taking off your hat are the basic signs of respect, and leave the short shorts in your bag if you want to go church hopping. You probably won’t get kicked out of most churches (though you absolutely will at the Vatican!), but you’ll get dirty looks if you’re underdressed. Be a respectful tourist! Wear longer shorts or pants, and bring a scarf to wrap around your shoulders if you’re in a tank top.

But enough about that. Let’s talk about the four most amazing churches I visited in Rome. (Most of them almost by accident! I just wandered in and found stunning art and experiences!)

a statue in a Roman church

Chiesa de Sant’Ignazio di Loyola

This church is one of the first ones that I wandered into, because it’s right on the walk you’ll take between the Trevi Fountain and the Pantheon! 

La Chiesa de Sant’Ignazio is truly, obscenely stunning. Every pillar of it is intricately carved. Every alcove has a stunning painting in it. Every painting is shadowed by gorgeous statues. And friends, the ceilings. They’re covered with scrolling works of art. It’s a can’t miss

Basilica of Saint Mary of Minerva

Another gorgeous church that you can easily visit one a walk of Rome’s key sites (it’s just around the corner from the Pantheon), the Basilica St. Mary of Minerva is another reservoir of art and beauty. From the art, to the statues, to the deep blue painted ceilings, it’s another Roman treasure that’s well worth the visit.

But what makes this church especially special is that it houses the remains of St. Catherine of Sienna at its main altar. This particular saint was a legitimate badass of her era. She wrote extensively for the church, and had enough status that she often spoke publicly on religious and political matters. This was almost unheard of for women in her time, and there are very few saints that had as much of an effect on politics and Italian history as her. Look her up. She’s awesome.

Her resting place in his basilica is set up for petitioners to write requests and leave them at her feet. Whether you believe in saints and miracles or not, it’s still a powerful thing to see and experience.

Sant’Agnese in Agone

beautiful arches in a church in Rome

This church is right on the border of Piazza Navona, one of Rome’s best central squares! When you’re checking out the fountains and people watching in the piazza, make sure you step inside Sant’Agnese in Agone.

What makes this church special is its arches and domes. The interiors of these domes are masterpieces of renaissance painting and gilding. The acoustics in here are unreal, and if you’re lucky enough to visit just before a mass (like I did) you’ll get to hear both the organ and the church bells! Just be sure to bounce right after the priest gives you a program, (like I did!) unless you feel like sitting through an Italian mass!

Santa Maria di Trastevere

Tucked away on the other side of the Tiber River in Trastevere, you’ll find the Basilica di Santa Maria di Trastevere. Located right in the center of the neighborhood, this church sits right on the edge of its own fountain-decorated piazza. 

gilded decor in a church in Rome

What makes this place special is the amazing gilding on its decor. Both the external facade and the interior ceilings and pillars shimmer with gold. It’s unlike any other church I've seen in Italy!

Visit these Amazing Churches in Rome on your Travels!

Whether you’re a devout religious visitor, or someone who appreciates fine renaissance art and architecture, the churches of Rome make for beautiful experiences. Soak them in, in whatever way is most meaningful to you. And maybe light a candle in front of a saint that stands for something particularly cool.

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Love and Shenanigans,


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